Stefanie Heinze, Shana Moulton, Richard Sides, Evita Vasiljeva

Friend of a Friend Warsaw

Wschód Warsaw
6 - 27 April, 2019

“Friend of a Friend” is a gallery–share initiative launched in 2018 with editions in Warsaw and Berlin. This year’s Warsaw edition will involve nine most-active galleries based in Poland’s capital, who will share their exhibition spaces with sixteen international gallery guests. One of the aims of the project is to create a different model for the presentation of contemporary art, to establish new networks within the Polish art scene and to enable local audiences to interact with the works of international artists, whose works were often not exhibited in Poland so far.

Opening weekend:
6-7.04.2019 / Saturday-Sunday 12-7 pm
The exhibitions run until April 27.



Wschod: Evita Vasiljeva
Gregor Staiger: Shana Moulton
LC Queisser: Stefanie Heinze
Schiefe Zähne: Richard Sides