Spiros Hadjidjanos

Solo presentation

Wschód, Warsaw
27 May - 30 June, 2017


Opening of the solo show of Spiros Hadjidjanos will inaugurate the Wschód gallery at the permanent location.

Spiros Hadjidjanos makes the mostly invisible world of technology tangible in his artworks made with fiber optic light, wireless routers, and electronic circuits, among other modern technology. In “Networked Gradient,” fire optics arch overhead in a darkened room, connecting wireless routers and creating a pulsing Arcade. The built architecture suggests the technological inventions of today are equally important to history as the development of the arch by the ancient Romans. Connections between inventions of the past and present, as well as the man-made and organic, are central to Hadjidjanos’ art practice. Such works as “Network Topologies,” suggest an inherent harmony between the artificial and natural worlds. In these ultraviolet prints of microchips, one sees the same symmetry and nodal networks that are central to the beauty of flora and fauna.

(Extract from The New Contemporary Art Magazine by Roxanne Goldberg)